I wish that I had thought to do this to my vehicle.
One of the opening acts, Natasha Bedingfield. She was awesome too.
Joe & Jon
We were so excited! You can't see it but I'm giving a thumbs up.
Jordan had to do a song with his shirt undone.
Olivia had her 4 month shots last week and she did really well. She now weighs 18 lb 11.5 oz and is 25.5 inches long. So that puts her in the 95th percentile for weight and 80th for length. She was diagnosed with an ear infection though. She has been on antibiotics since then and has gotten much better. Her cough is almost gone. She is still a little congested but seems like she's getting over that too. My favorite part, other than the fact that she feels better, is that she has started sleeping better too. For a while there she was up 2 or 3 times a night. That was tough to adjust to after being used to her sleeping almost 10 hours every night. We'll get back to it. We are going to start her on some solids this evening. She is ready for them even though I may not want to get her going on them. She meets all the "qualifications" for being ready for solids: doubled her birth weight, can hold her head up on her own, is interested in what we are eating, etc. Plus, my supply has really gone down since I went back to work and had to decrease the number of times I could pump so we'll probably have to start supplementing with formula too. She will still be primarily fed breastmilk but one meal a day will have the rice cereal added to it and I'll mix breastmilk and formula for her other bottles.
John and I finally got to celebrate our anniversary last night. We went to Ruth's Chris for dinner. It was so good. We had never been there before and I want to go back tonight.
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