Friday, December 3, 2010

Week 28 Update

On Wednesday I hit the 28 week mark.  This was a big deal to me because most babies born at this point have a very good chance of surviving.  We had an ultrasound check-up yesterday and everything still looks really good.  Baby A had a heart rate of 154 and is estimated to weigh 3 lbs 3 ounces and Baby B's heart rate was 140 and he came in around 2 lb 11 ounces.  A is in the about 95th percentile and B is in the 52nd.  But they weren't concerned about the weight difference because they are only about 15% apart, or something.  Plus, since both babies have their own placenta they aren't stealing anything from each other and are really like "two kids on the same bus".

Our last ultrasound was 5 weeks ago (the boys were 1 lb 8 oz and 1 lb 7 oz), which is when I did my last belly shot update.  Just by looking at me it is very obvious that the boys grew significantly.  So here you go.  I know.  I'm ginormous.
Week 24
 Week 25
 Week 26
 Week 27 (I don't know why I look drunk here.  Maybe I was wishing.)
I still don't know how long I will continue to work.  I am still feeling really good but have been put on iron supplements and had to do a 3 hour glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes on Monday.  I haven't heard anything from my doctor's office on the results of that so I'm assuming no news is good news.  Thank goodness.  Part of me wants to be on some sort of bedrest just so I can rest because I know once the boys get here any sort of me time is going to go out the window.  I think what I am going to do is try to work out with my supervisor more work from home days as I get further and further along.  I don't want to burn much leave time so that I have it available for when I really do go out when the boys are born.


Me Too said...


But holding it very well. Hard to believe there are only 12 weeks left until full-term. Wow! Need any help getting ready? I'm pretty available to move furniture/paint/pack/throw away or just plain clean. Take me up on it - this is a limited time offer!! :)

Kelley said...

Wow Beck! They sure grew fast! You look great - all belly! -Kelley

Cindy said...

you look beautiful!

J, B, O, J & Z said...


Andi - Can I just put you on retainer in case I go on bed rest? Or maybe for when they actually get here? I'm doing well right now so I think I'm good for a little while. We have pretty much everything ready to go - just need to put the 2nd crib together. Thank you for the offer!