Tuesday, September 30, 2008
One year anniversary
It's really hard for me to believe that it has been a year already and that we have such a beautiful baby girl. It makes me sad though too because she gets bigger every day and I want to keep her where she is. It goes by so quickly. Too quickly. So many things have changed in our lives in the last year, Olivia being the best one by far.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
3 weeks!

Monday, September 15, 2008
Is this day over yet?!
Seriously. I am having one of those days where everything seems to go wrong. To start with, I got to my car this morning (at 6:50 no less) and the battery was dead. After trying to figure out where my battery is for about 15 minutes, John had me back the car toward the street. So as I did that it started up. I don't know why. I took the car to Sam's to have the battery replaced. Luckily I didn't turn the car off when I got there because they don't carry the battery that goes in my vehicle. So I have to go across the street to Pep Boys and get it changed. By the time I get to my parking garage I am 45 minutes late for work. As I get to the 4th floor to park and take the elevator down I realize my I don't have my badge. I go all the way back up to my car and get it.
Work, work, work. At about 11:45 I get a call from the day care. Olivia is having a rough day and they are concerned because she is extremely congested, won't nap, won't allow them to lay her flat, has been extremely fussy and they wonder if there is something wrong with her ears. She hasn't had a problem eating though. I call the pediatrician and they say they can try to work us in at 2. My boss lets me leave and we agree that I will work the rest of the day from home. Great! By now it's a little after noon. I'm supposed to be giving blood for our blood drive right now. Obviously that's not going to happen. I go over to the Bloodmobile to let them know that I won't be able to keep my appointment. As I turn to leave I step in the gap between the trailer and the pull-out metal stairs and crash and burn. It was not pretty. I fall down two steps, I have my breastpump, purse and lunch bag on me, and I'm wearing a skirt. Thank goodness the person that saw me fall was a woman. So now I have three very large bruises on my left leg and one on my right hand. And now the Cowboys have won. Can it get any worse?
The pediatrician visit was the only thing that seemed to go right. They got us in immediately, nothing is wrong with Olivia, and she weighs 17 lbs. 8.5 oz! It's true. She is only 14.5 weeks old. She is a load. She loved the doctor we saw today. She smiled at him the entire time. John told her that she wasn't allowed to smile at any guys yet.
Thanks to all of you that called or e-mailed to check on my parents after Hurricane Ike. Everything and everyone is fine. My mom stayed through the storm and my dad was in Brussels. How he manages to miss all the big storms still amazes me. It was the same way in Denver - he always missed the blizzards. I talked to my mom on Saturday morning about 10 her time. The power was out, they were getting whacked, but the only thing that had happened was a 30 or 40 foot tall tree had fallen into her yard. The fence came down with it but it didn't hit anything so that was very lucky. She left on Sunday to go to Austin to stay with my brother and sister and she is still there. I don't know how long she will end up staying. They are projecting maybe a couple of weeks before power is back on. She did say that there was one grocery store open in The Woodlands and it's by their house, as well as a couple of gas stations. I'm sure it was a madhouse. Luckily she was gassed up and ready to go before everything hit.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Sick baby
On another note I realized that some of my shoes are now too small for me. I wore a pair to work this week and my feet killed me. I have to get rid of them. It is very disappointing because I love them and I wear them all the time. They are perfect for work. The things that pregnancy does to your body. It's amazing. Although, I guess this just means that I have to go shoe shopping. Oh well.
Also, I am in two fantasy football leagues and both my teams suck. Just so everyone knows. So if you need a token loser for your league next year give me a shout. I'm your girl.
My mom is not evacuating for Ike. She is staying put all by herself. My dad left on his trip today so Mom is in charge of the house. She was going to go to Austin tomorrow but she said that the roads are a mess right now so she's not going to leave. Let's be sure to keep everyone effected by that storm in our thoughts and prayers. It looks like it is going to be a big one.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Back to work
As much as I hate having to put her in day care I do have to say that I have enjoyed being back at work. I really like my coworkers and what I do. It's almost like a vacation coming to work. Taking care of Olivia was a lot of fun but it was also completely exhausting. I shouldn't say was. It is. It hit me last night as I was sitting on the couch just how tired I was. She is such an easy baby but she needs us every moment that she is awake and it really does take a lot out of you. I thought I would just be relaxing, sitting on the couch with her, and while that is what we did the majority of the time, I would still have to find ways to entertain her. And there were the times where she did not want to be put down or to sit down even if I was holding her. So we would walk and walk and walk. Luckily she loves mirrors so we would sit on the bathroom counter and stare at the baby in the mirror for a while or we would go look at the pictures on the refrigerator.
At the end of every day though, there she is, waiting for me. I love seeing her little (alright, not so little) face when I walk in the door. She is always so happy and that makes it all worth it. John and I have been very lucky.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I hate this!
Baptism weekend
The weekend was awesome! We flew in on Friday morning to Austin. Olivia is a great traveler. She was not at all scared of flying and didn't cry once. I made sure that I fed her when we were taking off and landing so as to help her pop her ears from the pressure and it seemed to work. Most of the rest of the time she slept or quietly sat on one of our laps. John and I decided that she is a better traveler than we are. That weekend I lost my keys (they were on the shuttle for the lot we parked in, so thankfully, they were waiting for us when we got back) and lost my purse getting on the airplane (the woman boarding behind us picked it up and returned it to John). The strap had broken and I didn't feel it fall off. I told everyone that I became a parent and lost my mind. I have told Olivia that I used to be really together and with it. Now, not so much.
Once we got there we went to my sister's house and changed. Danny was there on h
We stayed in a hotel so we went and checked in and then had dinner with Erin and Ryan at one of their favorite pizza places in the area. Olivia was pooped by that time but we still stopped by Target so that I could get a new purse. I went in for a red one and came out with a blue one. Oh well. Another example of my losing my mind: I left my drink from the restaurant on top of the car when I got in and it fell off as we drove away. I was so disappointed. I never do crap like that!
On Saturday, John, Olivia and I drove to Waco to visit Baylor and to see one of John's friends from his grad school days there. We had lunch at his favorite bar/restaurant, George's. Pat Green is a regular there but we didn't see him that day. My Aunt Manny hosted a happy hour and hors d'ouerves get together that night. Olivia got to meet her cousins Kristen, Thomas, Jason, Noel, and Ellie as well as her Great Aunts Barb and Laurie and close family friend Jan. Grandma and Grandpa had
Sunday was her Baptism. She was great during Mass and did not cry when the Deacon poured the water on her head. I knew she wouldn't. She loves her baths and we do pretty much the same thing, so she was used to it. She looked so cute in her gown. I didn't put her little bonnet on, but she did have really cute shoes on. Unfortunately, I don't think I got a picture of those. After church we went over to my Uncle Larry & Aunt Laurie's house where we had lunch and drinks. Olivia got to meet her cousins Price and Luke, her Great Aunts Sandra and Robin, and Great Uncles Rich and Andy. Busha was able to make it to the Baptism and the party too. We weren't sure she was going to be up to it, but she was and I am so glad. Olivia got some wonderful gifts. We so appreciate everyone that made it. It meant a lot to all of us.
On Sunday night, Jason, Noel, Erin, John and I left the kids with the grandparents and went to the Salt Lick restaurant. It's a pretty well known barbecue joint just outside Austin in Driftwood, TX. The food was good, but John and I decided that we are Memphis barbecue people, not Texas. The atmosphere was what made the place with long wooden table and benches. It was almost community style but you still had your own separate area.
On Monday we went over to see Busha again and took our "4 Generations" picture and then went down to Erin's house. She took us and my parents to lunch at Shady Grove. It was an awesome little restaurant too. They have a lot of live music there at night and I really want to go back to hear some of it. Monday night, aft
Tuesday we flew home. We were completely exhausted, but I think Olivia could have gone several more days. She did really well in the hotel. She slept through the night, even giving us 11 hours one night. She has been pretty consistent at sleeping at least 7 hours every night since she was about 8 weeks old.
My brother turned 25 yesterday! Happy Birthday Danny! It's odd to think that the youngest Harper kid in my immediate family is a quarter of a century old. =)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
So my parents are in town and I have had wine every night this week. I told my mom that I never drink this much unless they are here or we go to Texas to visit. And it's during the week! I am so old.